Pilot App
Start the OpenJet Pilot App on your device. Choose your company, enter username/password and click on Sign In.
Go to the Support tab to sign out.
The default view of the app is the Schedule view. It displays your coming duties and rests.
On all views with legs list, refreshing your data is done with a “pull to refresh” (slide down) :

Date module
Throughout the app, the dates and times are shown in blue squares. Clicking on it will switch between UTC Time (z) and Local Time (L).

Darker sections are located before and after a group of activities belonging to the same duty period. The first section displays the date, time and location of the duty start as well as the Flight Duty Period (FDP) duration and the nature of the duty (Split/Extended). Below the duration is the maximum duty time of the day.
The last section displays the date, time and location of the end of the duty, as well as the duration of the Duty Period (DP).

Clicking on the Activities tab will display the activities without duty/rest information.
Rest periods are shown between duties with their effective duration next to the Clock icon and the next available reporting time depending on minimum FTL rest (Next Available Check In).
Activities are flights or any other activity scheduled by the company (office work, training, hotel, positioning etc.).
The chevron on the right enables access to further details. It can be three different colors:
Orange : acknowledgment is needed.
Blue : All data is acknowledged.
Green : Flight report has been validated (for past flights only).
In case of change, the chevron and the updated information will turn orange: acknowledgment is needed.

The acknowledgment can be done in two different ways:
Left to right swipe on activity and push on ACK button.
In the detailed view, tap the button on the top right corner.

Deleted flights/ Unassigned flights
Deleted flights (or flights assigned to other crew) are shown by clicking on the red bin. All deleted flights must be ACK’ed (with a left to right swipe) to remove the bin.

Activities Details
Clicking on the activity or flight will display all available details.

Passenger are displayed with nationality, passport number and weight. A star on the passenger indicates the lead passenger. Clicking on a passenger, airport or FBO will allow you to access his details.
You can call or send a message to any contact (if available) by clicking on the contact symbol.

Duty / Flight Reports
Duty/flight report is an important and mandatory step in the whole OpenJet’s workflow, it confirms that the flight has been well executed and also update duty and FTL information according to the report data. Each report needs to be as accurate as possible and signed by the captain and are stored into your company’s database.
Reports are available two hours before the start of the leg. Click on the top right corner of the flight details to access reports:

You can then access the duty, flight and fatigue report. Color code is :
Orange : report is not validated,
Green : validated by captain and in read-only access.
A duty report can be ‘submitted’ or ‘signed and validated’ (captain only). Submission stores the current report on the server and can the be retrieved by the other pilot. Once the captain has signed and validated the reports, the informations are no longer editable by the pilot and a FTL worksheet is generated and stored into OpenJet.
In certain case, duty report may not be available. e.g. lack of information on the planning or historic limitation. Instead, the pilot app will automatically suggest you to fill a flight report. This report contain the same information as a duty report, but it only concern only one specific sector instead of the whole mission. Therefore several flight reports might be necessary.
The fatigue report is to be filled for the last leg of the duty depending on your company’s procedures.
You need an internet connection to either “submit” or “sign and validate” a report.
Upon opening, if a report is available on the server, this Sync messages appears:

This typically allow a first officer to begin the completion of the report, then the submission can be done by the captain later on.
The refresh button on the top right corner retrieves the report on the server, all changes applied in the current version are lost.
Black values must be filled, gray values are automatically calculated. The remaining fuel is automatically stored and will be displayed on for both operation and crew on the aircraft page.
The pilot view is split in two views:
Flight Log
This is the history of your flights. You may access a flight report through this view. It also allows you to fill a flight report which is due for more than 24 hours.
Flight Time limitation counter and expiration dates (Airport qualification, training, licence etc…). An orange date is expiring in less than 90 days and a red one is expired.
For Chief Pilot role, the All Flights view is available for the full company flight schedule.
Read-only information regarding the fleet.
FOB and handover fields are updated with the latest flight report.
This view displays your monthly planning. Click on a day to view details. The color bars indicate that at least one activity of the type is scheduled on a day.
Magenta : OFF days, Holidays, Sick Leave etc.
Blue : Flights
Green: Other ground activities

Logbook export
OpenJet allows you to export all your flights to the Logbook panels described below.
LogTen Pro
Logbook export to LogTenPro is designed for crew willing to export their completed flights to LogTenPro X. Export can be achieved by fulfilling the following steps:
Log on your company’s OpenJet platform by using the same credentials as for the Pilot App.
Click on Log export under Report menu. - This will open a new page where you will be able to visualize your last log/completed flight reports with the possibility to sort it.
You will be able to select which log you want to export into LogTenPro by toggling the ‘export’ checkbox on each log. You also have the possibility to quickly export all the displayed logs by clicking on TOGGLE ALL.
When your selection is complete, click on EXPORT TO LOGTEN PRO - This will open a pop-up window. Click on Confirm and you will be redirected to the LogTen Pro software.
In LogTenPro you will be asked if you want to modify flights from OpenJet. Clicking on ‘Yes’ will update the logbook - ‘No’ will abort the operation.
Flights will be updated in the section ‘Logbook’ in LogTen Pro X.
LogTen Pro is only available to install on iOS devices (Mac, iPhone, iPad). This function will export only the flights with validated flight reports.
Comments are to be sent to one, or several groups. Groups are managed by the company admin. Users of the group will receive an email notifications and comments will be stored in OpenJet database.