Operator general settings
This page is accessible using the menu Configure > General and contain the general settings of the platform.
This page will be mainly filled by the OpenJet team during the setup of your platform. An Admin access will be required to access this page and have a look to check the information or update your contact informations, logo, etc…
This section is about all the contact informations of your company. The city entered will be used in the header of the documents generated by OpenJet 360 (Quotations, invoices etc..).
These email addresses will be copied in some emails sent by OpenJet 360. For example, the default OPS email will receive a copy of any FBO request, allowing you to check the actual sending of the request.
You can specify the sender for Sales Documents : Sales or Current user email address.
You can choose the departing email address from which to send Sales documents: Sales or Ops Email or User email.
Also you will be able to define the users that will receive the endorsements expiration warning emails (usualy OPS manager and Chief Pilot):

Document Customization
The default content for Cancellation terms, Payment terms and Special Agreement can be set there.
Also you can tick Terms & Agreements customization to allow the edition/override of those fields at reservation level:

Pricing strategy: you will be able to choose if you want to price your flights per aircraft type, per aircraft or both. This will allow the sales team to define prices and create a reservation for a global aircraft type or a specific aircraft. For more information about the pricing strategy, please refer to the pricing section. /ref pricing needed/ Also you will be able to specify according to your regulation if you need to apply tax on empty legs.
Rounding Flight Time Strategy: you will be able to define the rounding policy that will be applied to flight times calculated by OpenJet.
Per seat booking status: allow you to specify whether you want to enable or disable per seat flight on your platform. You may also choose to enable it on “cascade”. This mode will allow to enable per seat only on specific airplane type or airplane.
Limit pax number status: allow you to specify if you want to restrict the number of pax per reservation of the reservation depending on the aircraft type (or aircraft) specified for the reservation. If disable, sales will be able to set as many pax as they want on a reservation. You may also choose to enable it on “cascade”. This mode will allow to enable or disable pax limit on specific airplane type or airplane, this is usually used on regular shuttle flights to allow pax dispatches.
Flight time strategy You can choose whether you want to use standard calculation method, or by using a linear function based on two customizable coefficient: A x ‘distance’ + B
Flight history number: allow you to define the minimum number of flights needed to compute the average flight time for a specific route. This flight time based on flight history will be displayed next to the theoretical flight time calculated by OpenJet.
Crew acknowledge reminder time: Define the interval that trigger the acknowledge reminder for crews.
Airborn stat month number: define the number of month shown on airplane airborn stats.
Default airplane type: Default airplane type of the company. Prefilled airplane type select fields.
CFMU: Enable/disable CFMU synchronization. For more information please contact OpenJet support.
Man standard weight: Define man standard weight used when not specified on pax.
Woman standard weight: Define woman standard weight used when not specified on pax.
Child standard weight: Define child standard weight used when not specified on pax.
Baby standard weight: Define baby standard weight used when not specified on pax.
third party interfaces
Enable Avinode RFQ synchronization:
Avinode’s company token. This token provided by avinode allow OpenJet platform to synchronize with Avinode planning and RFQ. For more information please contact OpenJet support.
Camp maintenance
Credentials for Camp maintenance are to be set there. Camp maintenance Username and password are needed to allow OpenJet platform to synchronize airplane maintenance information and counter with Camp system.
PPS flight planning
Credentials for PPS flight planning are to be set there. PPS flight planning Username and password are needed to allow OpenJet platform to synchronize flight planning and information with PPS.
Credentials for Amadeus transfers are to be set there.
Amadeus merchant ID is needed to allow OpenJet platform to synchronize availabilities and information with Amadeus. For more information please contact OpenJet support.
You may also want to specify Amadeus booking cancellation policy:
fee type: type of fee that will be applied to booking cancellation. A percentage of the reservation price or a specified value.
fee value: Specified fee value or percentage to be applied.
Metric: You have the possibility to specify the interval that will trigger the fee.
Description: Description of the fee that will be displayed to the customer.
Please note that you can define as many cancellation fee/interval as you want.
Language Settings
This section allows you to set default languages, numbers and date format.
Currency: Default currency of the company.
Fixed exchange rate: By default, exchange rates are synchronized and updated based on European Central Bank data. By ticking this option you will be able to fix a specified exchange rate for each currency.
Number format: Number format used on OpenJet applications and sales documents.
Date format: Date format used on OpenJet applications and sales documents.
Date picker pattern: Date picker pattern used on OpenJet backoffice.
Ops Weight unit: Weight unit used for OPS part of OpenJet.
Sales Weight unit: Weight unit used for Sales part of OpenJet (e.g. Pax and luggages weight).
Crew Weight unit: Weight unit used on Crew pilot app (e.g Duty report, fuel information..).
Upload your logo here. It will be used in the FBO request.
Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the modification you entered.